Yawng.. hpe.. LAIKA DUM.. kaw.. nna.. Grai.. Kabu.. Gara.. ai.. Myit.. hte.. Hkap.. Tau.. La.. Nga.. ga.. ai,,,,,Welcome.. To.. LAIKA DUM,,,,,We.. Support.. KIO/A***Jiwoi.. Jiwa.. ni.. e.. du..daw.. sai..hkaw.. let.. makawp.. maga.. hkinghtawng.. jaw.. da.. sai.. Chyurum.. ai.. Wunpawng.. Jinghpaw.. sha.. Annau ..Ni.. a ..Dailup Daihpang.. Lamu.. ga ..Ya.. myen.. hpyen.. wa.. Up.. Sha.. nga.. ai ..lu....

Sawk Tam na

Kachin National Anthem

Thursday, July 28, 2011

We Hope the Last Kachin Alive Continues to be Kachin

The Rev. Pungga Ja Li is a local Kachin historian and the author of several books on Kachin customs and culture. He is now living in Laiza, a town in Kachin State near the Chinese border that is under the control of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), which is currently engaged in renewed fighting with Burmese government troops in the north of Burma. In this interview, conducted by The Irrawaddy reporter Ba Kaung in Laiza in early July, Pungga Ja Li reflects on the Kachin leaders’ decision to join with the Burmese majority a year before Burma gained its independence from British rule in 1948, and shares his views on the current armed clashes and the future of the Kachin people.

Kachin historian Pungga Ja Li (The Irrawaddy)

Question: How do you view the renewed conflict in Kachin State?
Answer:  Apparently, this is a cloudy period for all of us. But this is good in a sense that many Kachins now remember God. Many, including the KIO leaders, are now saying prayers, and we are becoming more united within us. We are now praying for God's support, but he sometimes can be cruel for the sake of our maturity.
Q: Here in Laiza, there is talk that the Kachin made a mistake in joining with the Burmese majority when their leaders signed the Panglong Agreement. What is your opinion on this?
A: Many Kachin leaders in those days disagreed with Panglong, except Sama Duwa Sinwa Nawng and Zauring. The Kachin leaders wanted to stay under British rule for five more years and only afterward wanted to establish the Kachin State as an independent state. But since his own grandfather was killed by the British soldiers, Sama Duwa did not want to deal with the British any longer—he even slapped the ground and said that if he made a mistake, he would get struck by lightning from the heavens. That's how he won the trust of fellow Kachin leaders and signed the Panglong Agreement. Otherwise, we would have been on our own all along and would never have had anything to do with the Burmese. We have lived under our rule—the rule of Duwas. But even if we made a mistake, the Panglong Agreement itself is a good treaty, I think, with all the guarantees for us though they never materialized into realities.