Yawng.. hpe.. LAIKA DUM.. kaw.. nna.. Grai.. Kabu.. Gara.. ai.. Myit.. hte.. Hkap.. Tau.. La.. Nga.. ga.. ai,,,,,Welcome.. To.. LAIKA DUM,,,,,We.. Support.. KIO/A***Jiwoi.. Jiwa.. ni.. e.. du..daw.. sai..hkaw.. let.. makawp.. maga.. hkinghtawng.. jaw.. da.. sai.. Chyurum.. ai.. Wunpawng.. Jinghpaw.. sha.. Annau ..Ni.. a ..Dailup Daihpang.. Lamu.. ga ..Ya.. myen.. hpyen.. wa.. Up.. Sha.. nga.. ai ..lu....

Sawk Tam na

Kachin National Anthem

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Obama Must See the Dark Side of Burma’s ‘Reforms’

By Maung Zarni

In two days, US President Barack Obama is scheduled to make a brief visit to Burma, Asia’s hottest destination. While there, he should look beneath the surface and try to see the ugly realities of the country’s reforms and hear the cries of the wretched of Burma, such as the Muslim Rohingyas and the Christian Kachins.